Saturday 26 March 2011

What Doesn’t Kill Us does what it says on the tin, (it certainly doesn’t kill you) it pops, thwacks its head around and screams “it’s OK!” at the end. Throughout the duration it lives by its inspirations, sticking rigidly by the tried and tested New Found Glory and Blink 182 formulas. The commercial appeal should come in spades for Call Of The Search, as everything is pulled off extremely well, something that their peers would congruently nod in approval with, but more importantly the end result is an irresistible release for any fans specific to the genre.

For everyone else, it’s difficult to care, because it simply sticks inside that commercial bubble, replicating the big guns with zero of ones own personality present along with no statements forged in an identity. Usually bands which walk the tight rope with their inspirations keeping them in balance, sound like cover bands, albeit dressed under a different title. This one should be no different.

6/10 Powerplay #130

Posted by Posted by Andy at 10:25 am
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